Vinyl History, The Unheard Story of Miss Cindy Bullens

Cindy Bullens
Desire Wire - United Artists 1978

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rear cover

Bullens has the heart and soul of a straight ahead no-nonsense female rocker. She writes good songs, sings well, and can open up on guitar, the few times she has a chance.

This album suffered for two reasons.
Number one, the producers made a mess of the entire proceedings. They were clueless about what to do with her, so rather than let her be herself they decided to get in there and really produce!
Number two, the record company managed to lock Bullens in the cellar, and forget she was there. "Desire Wire" should have been a hit!

Despite all this incompetence, it's not a bad debut, but it could have been much more.

- Allan J Moore

Cindy Bullens
Steal The Night Casablanca 1979

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rear cover

Cindy Bullens didn't have much luck with record companies.
She signed with Casablanca when the label was close to self destructing.

This time Bullens co-produced "Steal The Night" with lead guitarist Mark Doyle.
With the exception of "To close To Home" [which she wrote with Doyle] the other nine tracks are self penned.

Her songs are better [or maybe they just sound better]
Bullens both sings and lays down some tough guitar riffs with real attitude.

This record was a winner. Apparently, there was no one to promote it, so a very good album disappeared almost entirely unheard.

- Allan J Moore


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